NZATD Blended Learning Event


The Blended Learning experience in NZ


Our L&D specialists in this session are:

Liz McGrath 
Digital & Regional Training Manager Bay of Plenty, Employers and Manufacturers Association

Cain Prentice 
Learning Specialist, Learning and Development Group, Ministry for Primary Industries

Jennifer Yates 
Learning advisor- Library Learning and Research Studies, Auckland University of Technology

Corinna Chin 
Learning & Development Manager, Downstream Energy Division, Todd Corporation

Thursday, April 15 from 5:30 to 7pm at Smartwork Creative

Despite the fact that for most people, blended learning is some combination of online and in-person delivery, in its purest form, blended learning means any combination of different modes and approaches to deliver a learning experience. The theory is that by combining different approaches, learning will be strengthened, as it will connect wider, deeper and resonate with a greater number of participants.

In this session Victoria Damiris and Kim Dovey from Smartwork Creative will host L&D specialists from diverse settings to explore what blended learning means in NZ. As per the event title, the main objective is to investigate what blended learning actually looks like in different learning or training contexts within New Zealand. This session will explore the main drivers for organisations and businesses adopting a blended learning approach, as well as what tangible difference this approach has made. In addition to current applications and trends, we will also look at how blended learning is changing or will change over the short to medium term and, crucially, what is driving these changes. 

As with many things, culture plays a big role. Blended learning champions learner responsibility and flexibility, If these things are not supported by a healthy and empowering learning culture, then any attempt to apply a blended learning approach can fall through or backfire. This session will also explore the importance of a wider organisational learning environment, and what this might look like in practice.

Come along in person or join virtually to

  • share your own experiences of blended learning,
  • listen to what others are doing in this space
  • explore where blended learning is headed in New Zealand.